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Publikationen Dr. Jörg Kirberg

Autorinnen und Autoren des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts sind durch Fettdruck kenntlich gemacht. Wenn Online-Abstracts oder Volltexte zu den Publikationen verfügbar sind, so sind diese verlinkt.

Blanco-Pérez F, Gonzalez-Menendez I, Stassen M, Kato Y, Laiño J, Kirberg J, Krause M, Martella M, Shibata N, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Feyerabend TB, Rodewald HR, Galli SJ, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Toda M (2022): Mast cells partly contribute to allergic enteritis development: findings in two different mast cell-deficient mice.
Allergy 77: 1051-1054.

Blanco-Pérez F, Kato Y, Gonzalez-Menendez I, Laiño J, Ohbayashi M, Burggraf M, Krause M, Kirberg J, Iwakura Y, Martella M, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Shibata N, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Toda M (2019): CCR8 leads to eosinophil migration and regulates neutrophil migration in murine allergic enteritis.
Sci Rep 9: 9608.

Herling M, Rengstl B, Scholtysik R, Hartmann S, Küppers R, Hansmann ML, Diebner HH, Roeder I, Abken H, Newrzela S, Kirberg J (2017): Concepts in mature T-cell lymphomas - highlights from an international joint symposium on T-cell immunology and oncology.
Leuk Lymphoma 58: 788-796.

Diebner HH, Kirberg J, Roeder I (2016): An evolutionary stability perspective on oncogenesis control in mature T-cell populations.
J Theor Biol 389: 88-100.

Weißmüller S, Kronhart S, Kreuz D, Schnierle B, Kalinke U, Kirberg J, Hanschmann KM, Waibler Z (2016): TGN1412 induces lymphopenia and human cytokine release in a humanized mouse model.
PLOS ONE 9: e0149093.

Alles M, Turchinovich G, Zhang P, Schuh W, Agenés F, Kirberg J (2014): Leukocyte β7 integrin targeted by Krüppel-like factors.
J Immunol 193: 1737-1746.

Cosgun KN, Rahmig S, Mende N, Reinke S, Hauber I, Schäfer C, Petzold A, Weisbach H, Heidkamp G, Purbojo A, Cesnjevar R, Platz A, Bornhäuser M, Schmitz M, Dudziak D, Hauber J, Kirberg J, Waskow C (2014): Kit regulates HSC engraftment across the human-mouse species barrier.
Cell Stem Cell 15: 227-238.

Winkelmann R, Sandrock L, Kirberg J, Jäck HM, Schuh W (2014): KLF2--a negative regulator of pre-B cell clonal expansion and B cell activation.
PLoS One 9: e97953.

Büchner SM, Sliva K, Bonig H, Völker I, Waibler Z, Kirberg J, Schnierle BS (2013): Delayed onset of graft-versus-host disease in immunodeficent human leucocyte antigen-DQ8 transgenic, murine major histocompatibility complex class II-deficient mice repopulated by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells.
Clin Exp Immunol 173: 355-364.

Turchinovich G, Vu TT, Frommer F, Kranich J, Schmid S, Alles M, Loubert JB, Goulet JP, Zimber-Strobl U, Schneider P, Bachl J, Pearson R, Crossley M, Agenés F, Kirberg J (2011): Programming of marginal zone B-cell fate by basic Kruppel-like factor (BKLF/KLF3).
Blood 117: 3780-3792.

Vu TT, Gatto D, Turner V, Funnell AP, Mak KS, Norton LJ, Kaplan W, Cowley MJ, Agenès F, Kirberg J, Brink R, Pearson RC, Crossley M (2011): Impaired B cell development in the absence of Krüppel-like factor 3.
J Immunol 187: 5032-5042.

Tchaptchet S, Kirberg J, Freudenberg N, Schamel WW, Galanos C, Freudenberg MA (2010): Innate, antigen-independent role for T cells in the activation of the immune system by Propionibacterium acnes.
Eur J Immunol 40: 2506-2516.

Bosco N, Kirberg J, Ceredig R, Agenés F (2009): Peripheral T cells in the thymus: have they just lost their way or do they do something?.
Immunol Cell Biol 87: 50-57.

Agenés F, Dangy JP, Kirberg J (2008): T cell receptor contact to restricting MHC molecules is a prerequisite for peripheral interclonal T cell competition.
J Exp Med 205: 2735-2743.

Kirberg J, Bosco N, Deloulme JC, Ceredig R, Agenés F (2008): Peripheral T lymphocytes recirculating back into the thymus can mediate thymocyte positive selection.
J Immunol 181: 1207-1214.

Scheeren FA, Nagasawa M, Weijer K, Cupedo T, Kirberg J, Legrand N, Spits H (2008): T cell-independent development and induction of somatic hypermutation in human IgM+ IgD+ CD27+ B cells.
J Exp Med 205: 2033-2042.

Schnell S, Démolliére C, van den Berk P, Kirberg J, Jacobs H (2006): Constitutive expression of the pre-TCR enables development of mature T cells.
Int Immunol 18: 911-920.

Kirberg J, Gschwendner C, Dangy JP, Rückerl F, Frommer F, Bachl J (2005): Proviral integration of an Abelson-murine leukemia virus deregulates BKLF-expression in the hypermutating pre-B cell line 18-81.
Mol Immunol 42: 1235-1242.

Kirberg J, von Boehmer H, Brocker T, Rodewald HR, Takeda S (2001): Class II essential for CD4 survival.
Nat Immunol 2: 136-137.

Kirberg J, Berns A, von Boehmer H (1997): Peripheral T cell survival requires continual ligation of the T cell receptor to major histocompatibility complex-encoded molecules.
J Exp Med 186: 1269-1275.

Brady HJ, Gil-Gómez G, Kirberg J, Berns AJ (1996): Bax alpha perturbs T cell development and affects cell cycle entry of T cells.
EMBO J 15: 6991-7001.

Bruno L, von Boehmer H, Kirberg J (1996): Cell division in the compartment of naive and memory T lymphocytes.
Eur J Immunol 26: 3179-3184.

Kirberg J, Brocker T (1996): CD45 up-regulation during lymphocyte maturation.
Int Immunol 8: 1743-1749.

Kronin V, Winkel K, Süss G, Kelso A, Heath W, Kirberg J, von Boehmer H, Shortman K (1996): A subclass of dendritic cells regulates the response of naive CD8 T cells by limiting their IL-2 production.
J Immunol 157: 3819-3827.

Bruno L, Kirberg J, von Boehmer H (1995): On the cellular basis of immunological T cell memory.
Immunity 2: 37-43.

Kirberg J, Baron A, Jakob S, Rolink A, Karjalainen K, von Boehmer H (1994): Thymic selection of CD8+ single positive cells with a class II major histocompatibility complex-restricted receptor.
J Exp Med 180: 25-34.

Kirberg J, Bruno L, Boehmer H (1993): CD4+8- help prevents rapid deletion of CD8+ cells after a transient response to antigen.
Eur J Immunol 23: 1963-1967.

Kirberg J, Swat W, Rocha B, Kisielow P, von Boehmer H (1993): Induction of tolerance in immature and mature T cells.
Transplant Proc 25: 279-280.

Borgulya P, Kishi H, Müller U, Kirberg J, von Boehmer H (1991): Development of the CD4 and CD8 lineage of T cells: instruction versus selection.
EMBO J 10: 913-918.

von Boehmer H, Kirberg J, Rocha B (1991): An unusual lineage of alpha/beta T cells that contains autoreactive cells.
J Exp Med 174: 1001-1008.