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Publikationen PD Dr. Stefan Schülke

Autorinnen und Autoren des Paul-Ehrlich-Instituts sind durch Fettdruck kenntlich gemacht. Wenn Online-Abstracts oder Volltexte zu den Publikationen verfügbar sind, so sind diese verlinkt.

Lin YJ, Zimmermann J, Schülke S (2024): Novel adjuvants in allergen-specific immunotherapy: where do we stand?.
Front Immunol Feb 23 [Epub ahead of print].

Steigerwald H, Blanco-Peréz F, Macías-Camero A, Albrecht M, Huch M, Bender C, Schülke S, Keller J, Krause M, Barbas C, Gonzalez-Menendez I, Quintanilla-Martinez L, Toda M, Barber D, Kulling S, Bunzel M, Vieths S, Villasenor A, Stoll D, Scheurer S (2024): Effects of pectin methyl-esterification on intestinal microbiota and its immunomodulatory properties in naive mice.
Carbohydrate Polymers 334: 122007.

He C, Liu Y, Schülke S, Nishio S, Guo Y, Rainer H, Krause M, Cheng TJ, Nochi T, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Matsuda T, Toda M (2023): β-1,3-glucan, but not β-1,3/1,6-glucan, exacerbates experimental food allergy, while both increase IgA induction.
Allergy 79: 503-506.

Scheurer S, Junker AC, He C, Schülke S, Toda M (2023): The Role of IgA in the Manifestation and Prevention of Allergic Immune Responses.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 23: 589-600.

Goretzki A, Zimmermann J, Lin YJ, Schülke S (2022): Immune Metabolism-An Opportunity to Better Understand Allergic Pathology and Improve Treatment of Allergic Diseases?.
Front Allergy 3: 825931.

Zimmermann J, Goretzki A, Meier C, Wolfheimer S, Lin YJ, Rainer H, Krause M, Wedel S, Spies G, Führer F, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Schülke S (2022): Modulation of dendritic cell metabolism by an MPLA-adjuvanted allergen product for specific immunotherapy.
Front Immunol 13: 916491.

Blanco-Pérez F, Steigerwald H, Schülke S, Vieths S, Toda M, Scheurer S (2021): The Dietary Fiber Pectin: Health Benefits and Potential for the Treatment of Allergies by Modulation of Gut Microbiota.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 21: 43.

Goretzki A, Lin YJ, Schülke S (2021): Immune metabolism in allergies, does it matter? ‐ A review of immune metabolic basics and adaptations associated with the activation of innate immune cells in allergy.
Allergy 76: 3314-3331.

Lin YJ, Flaczyk A, Wolfheimer S, Goretzki A, Jamin A, Wangorsch A, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Schülke S (2021): The Fusion Protein rFlaA:Betv1 Modulates DC Responses by a p38-MAPK and COX2-Dependent Secretion of PGE2 from Epithelial Cells.
Cells 10: 3415.

Lin YJ, Papp G, Miskey C, Fiedler A, Goretzki S, Wolfheimer S, Crauwels P, Ivics Z, van Zandbergen G, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Schülke S (2021): The flagellin:allergen fusion protein rFlaA:Betv1 induces a MyD88- and MAPK-dependent activation of glucose metabolism in macrophages.
Cells 10: 2614.

Pfaar O, Creticos PS, Kleine-Tebbe J, Canonica GW, Palomares O, Schülke S (2021): One Hundred Ten Years of Allergen Immunotherapy: A Broad Look Into the Future.
J Allergy Clin Immunol Pract 9: 1791-1803.

Rossmann L, Bagola K, Stephen T, Gerards AL, Walber B, Ullrich A, Schülke S, Kamp C, Spreitzer I, Hasan M, David-Watine B, Shorte S, Bastian M, van Zandbergen G (2021): Distinct single-component adjuvants steer human DC-mediated T-cell polarization via Toll-like receptor signaling toward a potent antiviral immune response.
Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 118: e2103651118.

Baylis SA, Miskey C, Blümel J, Kaiser M, Kapusinszky B, Delwart E (2020): Identification of a Novel Bovine Copiparvovirus in Pooled Fetal Bovine Serum.
Virus Genes 56: 522-526.

Lin YJ, Anzaghe M, Schülke S (2020): Update on the Pathomechanism, Diagnosis, and Treatment Options for Rheumatoid Arthritis.
Cells 9: E880.

Anzaghe M, Resch T, Schaser E, Kronhart S, Diez C, Niles MA, Korotkova E, Schülke S, Wolfheimer S, Kreuz D, Wingerter M, Bartolomé Rodríguez MM, Waibler Z (2019): Organ-specific expression of IL-1 receptor results in severe liver injury in type I interferon receptor deficient mice.
Front Immunol 10: 1009.

Blanco-Pérez F, Goretzki A, Wolfheimer S, Schülke S (2019): The vaccine adjuvant MPLA activates glycolytic metabolism in mouse mDC by a JNK-dependent activation of mTOR-signaling.
Mol Immunol 106: 159-169.

Blanco-Pérez F, Papp G, Goretzki A, Möller T, Anzaghe M, Schülke S (2019): Adjuvant Allergen Fusion Proteins as Novel Tools for the Treatment of Type I Allergies.
Arch Immunol Ther Exp (Warsz) 67: 273-293.

Moeller T, Wolfheimer S, Goretzki A, Scheurer S, Schülke S (2019): NFκB- and MAP-Kinase Signaling Contribute to the Activation of Murine Myeloid Dendritic Cells by a Flagellin A: Allergen Fusion Protein.
Cells 8: 355.

Schülke S, Albrecht M (2019): Mouse Models for Food Allergies: Where Do We Stand?.
Cells 8: 546.

Yakoub A, Schülke S (2019): A model for apoptotic-mediated adaptive immune evasion via CD80–CTLA-4 signaling.
Front Pharmacol 10: 562.

Anzaghe M, Schülke S, Scheurer S (2018): Virus-Linke Particles as Carrier Systems to Enhance Immunomodulation in Allergen Immunotherapy.
Curr Allergy Asthma Rep 18: 71.

Gogesch P, Schülke S, Scheurer S, Mühlebach MD, Waibler Z (2018): Modular MLV-VLPs co-displaying ovalbumin peptides and GM-CSF effectively induce expansion of CD11b+ APC and antigen-specific T cell responses in vitro.
Mol Immunol 101: 19-28.

Scheurer S, Schülke S (2018): Interaction of Non-Specific Lipid-Transfer Proteins With Plant-Derived Lipids and Its Impact on Allergic Sensitization.
Front Immunol 9: 1389.

Schülke S (2018): Induction of Interleukin-10 Producing Dendritic Cells As a Tool to Suppress Allergen-Specific T Helper 2 Responses.
Front Immunol 9: 455.

Laiño J, Wangorsch A, Blanco F, Wolfheimer S, Krause M, Flaczyk A, Möller TM, Tsai M, Galli S, Vieths S, Toda M, Scheurer S, Schülke S (2017): Targeting of Immune Cells by Dual TLR2/7 Ligands Suppresses Features of Allergic Th2 Immune Responses in Mice.
J Immunol Res 2017: 7983217.

Schülke S, Kuttich K, Wolfheimer S, Duschek N, Wangorsch A, Reuter A, Briza P, Pablos I, Gadermaier G, Ferreira F, Vieths S, Toda M, Scheurer S (2017): Conjugation of wildtype and hypoallergenic mugwort allergen Art v 1 to flagellin induces IL-10-DC and suppresses allergen-specific TH2-responses in vivo.
Sci Rep 7: 11782.

Schülke S, Scheurer S (2016): Immunologische Grundlagen und Pathomechanismen von Lebensmittelallergien.
Bundesgesundheitsblatt Gesundheitsforschung Gesundheitsschutz 59: 723-731.

Schülke S, Vieths S (2016): Dendritic cell targeting with C-type lectins for improvement of allergen immunotherapy.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 138: 568-570.

Schülke S, Vogel L, Junker AC, Hanschmann KM, Flaczyk A, Vieths S, Scheurer S (2016): A Fusion Protein Consisting of the Vaccine Adjuvant Monophosphoryl Lipid A and the Allergen Ovalbumin Boosts Allergen-Specific Th1, Th2, and Th17 Responses In Vitro.
J Immunol Res 2016: 1-8.

Wangorsch A, Larsson H, Messmer M, García-Moral A, Lauer I, Wolfheimer S, Schülke S, Bartra J, Vieths S, Lidholm J, Scheurer S (2016): Molecular cloning of plane pollen allergen Pla a 3 and its utility as diagnostic marker for plane pollen associated peach allergy.
Clin Exp Allergy 46: 764-774.

Schülke S, Flaczyk A, Vogel L, Gaudenzio N, Angers I, Löschner B, Wolfheimer S, Spreitzer I, Qureshi S, Tsai M, Galli S, Vieths S, Scheurer S (2015): MPLA shows attenuated pro-inflammatory properties and diminished capacity to activate mast cells in comparison to LPS.
Allergy 70: 1259-1268.

Uhlig KM, Schülke S, Scheuplein VA, Malczyk AH, Reusch J, Kugelmann S, Muth A, Koch V, Hutzler S, Bodmer BS, Schambach A, Buchholz CJ, Waibler Z, Scheurer S, Mühlebach MD (2015): Lentiviral protein transfer vectors are an efficient vaccine-platform inducing strong antigen-specific cytotoxic T cell response.
J Virol 89: 9044-9060.

Wangorsch A, Jamin A, Foetisch K, Malczyk A, Reuter A, Vierecke S, Schülke S, Bartel D, Mahler V, Lidholm J, Vieths S, Scheurer S (2015): Identification of Sola l 4 as Bet v 1 homologous pathogenesis related-10 allergen in tomato fruits.
Mol Nutr Food Res 59: 582-592.

Schülke S, Wolfheimer S, Gadermaier G, Wangorsch A, Siebeneicher S, Briza P, Spreitzer I, Schiller D, Loeschner B, Uematsu S, Ryffel B, Akira S, Waibler Z, Vieths S, Toda M, Scheurer S (2014): Prevention of Intestinal Allergy in Mice by rflaA:Ova Is Associated with Enforced Antigen Processing and TLR5-Dependent IL-10 Secretion by mDC.
PLoS One 9: e87822.

Siebeneicher S, Reuter S, Krause M, Wangorsch A, Maxeiner J, Wolfheimer S, Schülke S, Naito S, Heinz A, Taube C, Vieths S, Scheurer S, Toda M (2014): Epicutaneous immune modulation with Bet v 1 plus R848 suppresses allergic asthma in a murine model.
Allergy 69: 328-337.

Bohnen C, Wangorsch A, Schülke S, Nakajima-Adachi H, Hachimura S, Burggraf M, Süzer Y, Schwantes A, Sutter G, Waibler Z, Reese G, Toda M, Scheurer S, Vieths S (2013): Vaccination with recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara prevents the onset of intestinal allergy in mice.
Allergy 68: 1021-1028.

Schülke S (2012): Flagellin Fusionsproteine als neuartige Impfstoffe für die Behandlung schwerer Typ I Allergien.
Lebendige Wissenschaft - Spitzenforschung in der Allergologie: 62-73.

Schülke S, Burggraf M, Waibler Z, Wangorsch A, Wolfheimer S, Kalinke U, Vieths S, Toda M, Scheurer S (2011): A fusion protein of flagellin and ovalbumin suppresses the TH2 response and prevents murine intestinal allergy.
J Allergy Clin Immunol 128: 1340-1348.

Schülke S, Waibler Z, Mende S, Zoccatelli G, Vieths S, Toda M, Scheurer S (2010): Fusion protein of TLR5-ligand and allergen potentiates activation and IL-10 secretion in murine myeloid DC.
Mol Immunol 48: 341-350.