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Fehily D, Uhrynowska-Tyszkiewiecz I, Creusvaux H, Pariente-Khayat A, Kaminski A, Olender E, Manjaji E, Swann I, Sornarajah R, Costello P, Harkin D, Masterson S, Alvarez M, Gantanero GG, Smith M, Roels L, Teskrat F, O'Toole C, Funk MB, Golubic-Cepulic B, Nikolac V, Mareri M, Porta E, Ghirardini A, Di Ciaccio P, Noel L, Costa AN (2013): Vivilance lessons learned from the tissue and cell experience in the European Union. Part 1: Reporting and Communication.
Organs, Tissues & Cells 16: 165-173.

Updated: 21.11.2019