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Raising awareness of the benefits of vaccines - European Immunization Week has started

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, is participating in the WHO European Immunization Week campaign from 24 to 30 April 2019, supporting the goal of achieving sufficient immunization of the worldwide population.

Every year, the European region celebrates the WHO European Immunization Week to foster immunization as an important disease prevention and life-saving measure. The PEI participates in the WHO campaign to promote the message "Prevention. Protect. Vaccinate.". This also serves to raise awareness of the importance of vaccines for the protection of human life.

Logo European Immunization Week (Source: WHO)

This year's campaign is an opportunity to celebrate the "Vaccine Heroes" - the many people who contribute to global health through their work in the context of immunization.

PEI experts who test and evaluate vaccines and monitor their safety to ensure the quality, safety and efficacy of the vaccines are also making an effort to achieve this global goal.

Another example at the PEI: our employees are researching new concepts for innovative vaccines to create the basis for developing vaccines against further infectious diseases in the future.

Follow the campaign on our social media channels:

Updated: 25.04.2019