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Biennial report 2017/18 of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut published

Access to effective, safe vaccines and biomedicines fulfils a basic human need – comparable to the supply of clean drinking water. The staff members of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), with their great expertise and capacity for innovation, are committed to ensuring this access – in Germany, Europe and worldwide.

Cover PEI Biennial Report 2017/2018 (Source: PEI)

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut oversees biomedicines on a scientific and regulatory level, from their initial discovery through to their marketing authorisation and supply to patients and people being vaccinated. Biomedicines can be used preventively as vaccines, can diagnose and treat allergies, and are indispensable in the form of blood products. They also offer new therapeutic approaches for effectively combating serious and previously untreatable diseases, such as cancer and autoimmune disorders. Gene therapies even have the potential to treat the causes of and in some cases cure hereditary diseases.

Interviews and articles in this report inform about strategies and research, the challenges of our regulatory work and the organisation of the PEI. The biennial report will also introduce you to the people making a contribution to our health through their work at the PEI. A facts and figures section gives an overview of research projects, marketing authorisation services, finance and publications.

The biennial report 2017/18 of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut is available online as a pdf. You can order the printed version from mid-July at

Updated: 12.06.2019