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Dr Thomas Steffen, new State Secretary in the BMG, informs himself about the sustainability of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut

Dr Thomas Steffen and Prof. Klaus Cichutek Dr Thomas Steffen and Prof. Klaus Cichutek Source: B. Morgenroth / PEI

Dr Thomas Steffen, State Secretary of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG), informed himself in Langen today about the manifold tasks of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) and the challenges the institute has to face in the future. These include digitization and big data as well as new technologies in drug development. An important topic was the upcoming new construction and the requirements that the new building must meet so that the PEI can perform its tasks in an optimum way. The PEI reviews the quality, efficacy and safety of biomedical drugs in regulatory approval processes and closely monitors the research and development of innovative biomedical drugs. Prof Klaus Cichutek, President of the PEI, commented: "The performance of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut is based on the unique combination of research and drug regulation. We are thus prepared for the challenges we will have to face."

The joint conclusion of the visit was that continuous and intensive cooperation between PEI and BMG is an important factor in the development of the new location.

Mr Steffen has held the position of State Secretary at the BMG since 15 May 2019. In this role, he is the representative of the minister and professionally responsible for the departments at the BMG. He is a law specialist who was previously State Secretary for Finance. The PEI is a federal institute and reports to the BMG.

Updated: 25.06.2019