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Research of tropical diseases – the CDU Science and Arts Working Group from the Hessian state parliament informs itself at the PEI

The LOEWE Centre DRUID has made combatting neglected tropical diseases one of its aims. The delegates from the Hessian state parliament informed themselves today (4 July 2019) on site about the DRUID research of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI).

Research of tropical diseases – the CDU Science and Arts Working Group from the Hessian state parliament informs itself at the PEI (Source: B. Morgenroth / PEI)

Neglected tropical diseases are jeopardising world health. They affect more than a billion people. Many sufferers die from these diseases or suffer permanent damage. The main reasons for this high burden of disease are missing medicines and vaccines. In early 2018, the LOEWE centre DRUID started up to research innovative approaches to medicines for the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of these diseases. An important prerequisite for this was and is the identification and characterisation of potential target molecules for therapies.

"With our combination of research and marketing authorisation at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, we have excellent conditions to contribute to the research of innovative therapeutic approaches," said Professor Klaus Chichutek, president of the PEI. "However, we always focus on the transfer of medicines into the patient's application".

Professor Eberhard Hildt, head of Division Virology and Professor Ger van Zandbergen, head of Division Immunology presented their respective DRUID research focuses to the guests of the CDU (Christ Democratic Party, Christliche Demokratische Union) Science and Arts Working Group from the Hessian state parliament. Professor Hildt is researching target structures for new active ingredients against viral pathogens, in particular Hepatitis C and E. Professor van Zandbergen's focus is on the research of parasitic cell death mechanisms as the new target for the treatment of leishmaniasis.

Updated: 04.07.2019