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New Coordinator for the Working Parties of the DGfI

The German Society for Immunology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie, DGfI) nominates Professor Ger van Zandbergen as central coordinator of the DGfI working parties.

Prof Ger van Zandbergen (Source: T.Jansen/Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)

In January 2021, Professor Ger van Zandbergen, head of Division Immunology at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut since 2011, has assumed the responsibility of coordinating the working parties at the German Society for Immunology (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Immunologie, DGfI). Previously, he was the head of the working party “Immunology of Infections” at the DGfI for nine years. "Such a position is also important for multiplier effects created by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut for the field of immunology to strengthen translational research," explained Professor Cichutek, president of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines.

The DGfI is committed to the development of immunology as a research area of science and medicine and contributes the networking of immunological professional organisations in Germany and Europe. In his role as central coordinator, Professor van Zandbergen represents the interests of specialised working parties of immunology toward the DGfI and is the contact for the creation of new working parties. Two new working parties are currently planned with the participation of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, relating to vaccines and allergy. Besides, in his role as immunologist, Professor van Zandbergen is committed to the DGfI counsel as co-opted member.

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institut for Vaccines and Biomedicines, is an institute of science reporting to the federal government. With their commitment, experts of the institute contribute to the transfer of knowledge and development in national and international professional bodies and working parties.

Updated: 21.01.2021