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Online Reporting Portal pursuant to the German Transplantation Act is now ready to operate

An online portal to be used by the tissue establishments for reporting pursuant to Section 8d sub-section 3 TPG is now available.

Hands on Keyboard (Source: Councilcle/

Pursuant to Section 8d sub-section 3 German Transplantation Act (Transplantationsgesetz, TPG), tissue establishments in Germany are obliged to document their activities and to submit a report to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut indicating the type and quantities of human tissues from the previous year, procured, conditioned, processed, stored, distributed or otherwise disposed, imported or exported, by 1 March of the subsequent year.

Previously, these reports were submitted using the TPG reporting form provided by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut on its website and had to be sent to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut by regular letter post or by email.

As per 15 January 2021, the TPG reporting form has been replaced by the TPG online database. As per that date, reporting is possible exclusively by means of the online portal, i.e. its use is now compulsory. Reports using the TPG reporting form will no longer be accepted. Please note that, with the introduction of the TPG online databank, every establishment obliged to report must now register and report separately. This also applies to all procurement establishments. Simultaneous reporting for other tissue establishments under one registration will no longer be accepted.

The TPG online databank permits the tissue establishments, which are obliged to report, to enter their data electronically in a simple manner and to report online directly to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. In addition, tissue establishments can view the data they submitted at any time and save them as a pdf file. The transmission to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and the confirmation of receipt will be documented in the system.

Updated: 22.01.2021