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What should be considered in case of a positive allergy history before a vaccination against COVID-19?

Medical Advice (Source: superOMo/

For all COVID-19 vaccines used so far in Germany - Comirnaty, COVID-19 Vaccine Moderna and Vaxzevria (COVID-19 Vaccine AstraZeneca) - severe allergic (anaphylactic) reactions after vaccination have been reported in very rare cases (99 cases per 8.9 million vaccinations, as of 12 March 2021). To assist vaccinating medical doctors in dealing with persons who have a positive allergy history with regard to COVID-19 vaccination, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, together with the Robert Koch Institute, has developed a flow chart in close cooperation with the allergology societies in Germany. The flowchart presents both the possible procedure after anaphylactic reaction to the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines authorised so far and recommendations for the procedure in case of any allergy in the anamnesis. This is intended to contribute to greater safety in the use of COVID-19 vaccines.

We offer the full-length article as a download in German. The article has also been published in the Bulletin on Drug Safety - Issue 1/2021.

Updated: 09.04.2021