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COVID-19 Vaccines – Overview of Vaccine Types Authorised or in the Process of Authorisation in Europe

COVID-19 vaccine Source: Geralt/

The development of effective and safe COVID-19 vaccines and the vaccination of large parts of the population are critical to contain the current pandemic or to control SARS-CoV-2 infections in the long run. Immediately after the genetic information of the SARS-CoV-2 pathogen was decoded and made public in January 2020, development of COVID-19 vaccines began worldwide. More than 200 COVID-19 vaccine candidates, based on a wide variety of vaccine technologies, some of which are novel, are currently under development worldwide. Depending on which technology is used to produce the vaccine antigen, vaccine candidates can be classified into different vaccine types. This article provides a brief overview of the COVID-19 vaccines already authorised or in the process of authorisation in the EU.

The full-length article is available as a download in German. The article has also been published in the Bulletin on Drug Safety - issue 1/2021.

Updated: 12.04.2021