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Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and vfa Discuss Regulatory Processes - After the Pandemic is Before the Pandemic

The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic has unequivocally shown all of us how important open dialogue between all those involved in vaccine development is if we are to be able to provide people with safe, effective and high-quality vaccines in a timely manner. At this year's virtual meeting of Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI), Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, with the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies (Verband Forschender Arzneimittelhersteller e.V., vfa), in addition to an update on the Institute's current regulatory commitments, other topics discussed ntensively were the further development and the optimisation of processes along the entire drug development cycle.

Microphone (Source: Fill/

The meeting with the vfa took place for the twelfth time this year. "Vibrant interaction with the Association of Research-Based Pharmaceutical Companies is an important prerequisite for fruitful regulatory support on the part of Paul-Ehrlich-Institut," comments Professor Stefan Vieths, Vice President of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, emphasising the importance of the meeting.

Conducting the discussion at these annual meetings based on questions about regulatory processes and developments submitted in advance by the vfa has proven a very successful strategy to start the joint discussion and the exchange of ideas. In this way, 21 topics, including four from the area of COVID-19, were discussed intensively in the meeting, which lasted just short of four hours. There was great interest in the entire topic of clinical trials, which have gained in importance especially now during the pandemic.

Paul-Ehrlich-Institut’s important role in overcoming the pandemic in Germany, Europe and worldwide, its extensive scientific consulting services from product idea to the development of active substances through to the first clinical trial, approval and standard application were further topics of discussion. Going forwards, Paul-Ehrlich-Institut intends to establish an expert team handling pandemic preparedness with the aim of ensuring the efficient coordination of pandemic vaccine production and distribution as well as pandemic preparedness measures at the European and national levels.

Updated: 01.07.2021