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Dr Anneliese Hilger - Chair of the new WHO Technical Advisory Group on Blood Regulation, Availability and Safety

Dr Anneliese Hilger, Head of the Department of Haematology and Transfusion Medicine at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, has been appointed by the WHO as Chair of the newly established WHO Technical Advisory Group on Blood Regulation, Availability and Safety. The mandate is for two years.

Dr Anneliese Hilger (Source: T. Jansen / Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)

The WHO programme on blood product quality and transfusion safety aims to provide a unified global strategic direction to ensure access to safe and high quality blood products worldwide. International experts have been appointed to the new WHO Technical Advisory Group on Blood Regulation, Availability and Safety. Its task is to advise the WHO on the regulation and technical aspects of the supply of blood and blood products at all levels. In this way, the expert group contributes to supporting the WHO policy and strategy to strengthen blood systems and implement universal access to quality assured, safe and effective blood products worldwide.

"The inclusion of Anneliese Hilger in the WHO expert group and her appointment as the first chairperson of this newly established advisory body shows that the WHO appreciates the expertise and commitment of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, its staff and, in particular, Dr Hilger's competence and intends to continue to use them in the future," explains Professor Klaus Cichutek, President of the Paul-Ehrlich- Institut.

Updated: 07.07.2021