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Information for Travellers

As of: 19 August 2021

Summertime is travel time and during the Corona pandemic the Corona vaccination is an important factor to keep yourself and others safe while travelling. To protect the population from entry-related infection risks caused by the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, the Coronavirus Entry Regulation (CoronaEinreiseV), which came into force on 1 August 2021, regulates entry and return travel from abroad to Germany. In accordance with the regulation, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut provides a tabular overview of the vaccines that are recognised for proof of COVID-19 vaccination protection upon entry into Germany, if entrants have been fully vaccinated with these vaccines in third countries. Information is provided on what these vaccines are called in third countries.

COVID-19 Vaccine with vaccination certificate (Source: PeterSchreiberMedia/

The recognition of vaccination status in international travel is regulated at federal level. According to the COVID-19 Protection Measures Exemption Directive (SchAusnahmV) and the Coronavirus Entry Regulation (CoronaEinreiseV), proof of complete vaccination protection exists if the underlying protective vaccination was carried out with one or more of the vaccines listed on the website of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut at and

  1. either consists of the number of vaccine doses published herein required for a complete protective vaccination and at least 14 days have elapsed since the last required single vaccination, or
  2. in the case of a recovered person, consists of one administered dose of vaccine.

Vaccinations with all vaccines licensed in the EU and their equivalents in third countries (original and licensed productions) are recognised for entry and return to Germany. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut provides all inbound travellers with an overview list of COVID-19 vaccines licensed in Germany and their corresponding product names in third countries (outside the EU and EEA). Travellers who have been vaccinated abroad with one or more of the vaccines listed on the website of the Paul- Ehrlich-Institut at can search for the product name in this list to ensure that their vaccination is recognised when entering Germany.

Certificates of existing vaccination protection are usually issued by the vaccinating doctor. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut does not issue certificates.

Updated: 19.08.2021