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Hemotherapy Guideline Updated - Period for Donor Reservation Shortened

Blood donation Source: Michelle Gordon/

The Hemotherapy Guideline in its current version represents the current state of knowledge of science and technology in the field of transfusion medicine in order to provide patients in Germany with safe blood products. This also includes the carefully weighed specifications for admission to blood donation. A significant change in the selection criteria for admission to blood donation has now been decided and concerns persons with sexual behaviour that carries a significantly increased risk of transmission of serious blood-borne infectious diseases compared to the general population. For this group of persons, the period of deferral from blood donation will be set at a uniform four months in the future. The Guideline Commission of the German Medical Association (Bundesärztekammer, BÄK) is thus following the results of the consultations of a joint working group composed of representatives of the Working Group on Blood, the BÄK, the Robert Koch Institute, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut and the Federal Ministry of Health (Bundesgesundheitsministerium, BMG), among others. The new guideline is valid from 24 September 2021.

Updated: 24.09.2021