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The President of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Professor Klaus Cichutek, becomes a "real Langener" at the Ebbelwoi Festival

Only those who survive the Ebbelwoi-Daaf – or the Apple Wine Baptism – are considered "real Langeners". Shortly before the end of his presidency of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Professor Klaus Cichutek, who experienced the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut's move from Frankfurt to Langen in 1990, has now also become a "real Langener". He has lived with his family in the city of Langen since 1998, and as of 18 June 2022 he is officially a real Langener according to Langen's Tourism and Beautification Association (Verkehrs- und Verschönerungsverein, VVV).

Apple wine baptism in Langen with Professor Klaus Cichutek (to the right) (Source: M.Strohfeldt/

On the Saturday afternoon of the Ebbelwoifest (Apple Wine Festival) each year, baptisms are held of those considered to be one of the "Eigeplackte" (non-locals) – people who were not born in Langen, but who live there and who have contributed to the fame of the city of Langen. For some local Langeners, the Ebbelwoi-Daaf represents a higher honour than the title of honorary citizen.

However, in order to become a "real Langener" and to be entitled to bear the associated title of "Ebbelwoiritter" (knight of the apple wine), it is necessary to undergo a small ritual. And that ritual requires a heaping portion of humour.

The "Eigeplackte" must drink as much cider from a 1.5 litre "bembel" (traditional cider pitcher) as possible. The rest is poured out over their head and back. But those awaiting baptism can rejoice: a plastic apron is provided as protection at least.

The Ebbelwoiritter also have an important task: Every year you have to choose the Ebbelwoi King or the Ebbelwoi Queen, who will be crowned on the Saturday evening of the annual Ebbelwoi Festival during a blind tasting of freshly pressed apple wine. And THAT honour can only be held by actual real Langeners.

Updated: 20.06.2022