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Emergency Task Force at EMA Publishes Review of Data on Intradermal Use of Imvanex

The information is intended as a decision-making aid in the European Union if an adequate supply of vaccine against monkey pox cannot be guaranteed.

The Emergency Task Force (ETF) at the European Medicines Agency (EMA) has compiled data and findings on the safety (reactogenicity) and immunogenicity of Jynneos/Imvanex when administered intradermally rather than subcutaneously. Intradermal vaccination (administered into the skin, as opposed to subcutaneously, under the skin) can lead to an immune response comparable to subcutaneous administration with increased reactogenicity. Intradermal administration requires one fifth of the approved dose for subcutaneous administration.

The compilation of data collected thus far on intradermal administration of Imvanex can be used by the competent federal bodies, such as the Standing Committee on Vaccination at the Robert Koch-Institut (STIKO) in Germany, to make vaccine recommendations, or by medical professionals when making decisions on intradermal administration of Imvanex.

Imvanex is authorised in the USA under the name Jynneos and the same product is currently being sold in Germany.

Updated: 23.08.2022