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COVID-19 Vaccine Comirnaty 30 Micrograms/Dose Concentrate – Shelf Life Extended to 15 Months

The shelf life extension from 12 to 15 months for ultra frozen vials of the vaccine 'Comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose concentrate' from BioNTech/Pfizer for dispersion for injection (purple cap) was approved in the EU on 1 August 2022 and 5 August 2022, respectively. This three-month extension applies to vaccine batch vials manufactured after the extension approval was granted. An extension of three, six, or nine months may also be applied retroactively to batch vials manufactured prior to the extension. This is due to previously granted shelf life extensions. The required storage conditions of -90°C to -60°C remain unchanged and must be complied with.

COVID-19 Vaccine Corminaty Source: JFCfilms/

Vials with an expiry date between December 2021 and March 2022 may be used for 9 months after the date printed (according to the combined shelf-life extension of 9, 12 and 15 months) provided that the authorised storage conditions between -90°C and -60°C have been complied with.

Vials with an expiry date between April 2022 and December 2022 may be used for 6 months after the date printed, provided that the authorised storage conditions between -90°C and -60°C have been complied with.

The expiration dates of Comirnaty 30 micrograms/dose concentrate for dispersion for injection (violet cap) are as follows:

Printed dateUpdated expiration date
December 2021September 2022
January 2022October 2022
February 2022November 2022
March 2022December 2022
April 2022October 2022
May 2022November 2022
June 2022December 2022
July 2022January 2023
August 2022February 2023
September 2022March 2023
October 2022April 2023
November 2022May 2023
Dezember 2022June 2023

The different expiration intervals are due to the shelf life being extended by 9, 12 or 15 months.

The required storage conditions of -90°C to -60°C remain unchanged and must be complied with.

All additional information affected by this change will be updated accordingly by the manufacturer of Comirnaty.

Updated: 09.09.2022