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Over One Year of ZEPAI – a Retrospective

More than a year ago, on 1 October 2021, the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG) established the Center for Pandemic Vaccines and Therapeutics (ZEPAI) at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI). Since then, ZEPAI has been implementing the necessary preparations to ensure that Germany is better prepared for future pandemics. A central element of those preparations is ensuring that vaccines and other medicines are available to the population and for distribution as quickly as possible in the event of a pandemic. ZEPAI's mission is to plan for future pandemic needs when it comes to vaccines and therapeutics and to effectuate pandemic management in the event of a new pandemic. In order to achieve its mission, ZEPAI takes steps such as monitoring the vaccine production process and controlling the distribution of pandemic vaccines in Germany. The focus in the coming months will be on pandemic preparedness and the digitalisation of vaccine distribution processes. ZEPAI took stock of the past 500 days and reflected on its achievements.

Vaccine Syringe and Ampoules (Source:

"We are pleased to give insights into ZEPAI's work. The agile organisation and the broad professional expertise of the ZEPAI team were a prerequisite for the rapid operational takeover of tasks in the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic and form the basis for future pandemic preparedness. ZEPAI is expected to reach full pandemic preparedness by the end of this year. ZEPAI's expertise and its technical and digital infrastructure will help to make pandemic vaccines and therapeutics available as quickly as possible in the future. I would like to thank the employees for their commitment to fulfilling ZEPAI's important mission," said Professor Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding, acting head of ZEPAI.

Milestones at a Glance

December 2020 – Financial commitment for a pandemic centre

The experience gained from the COVID-19 pandemic led the BMG to apply for funding for the establishment of a pandemic centre. The commitment was made by the federal government in December 2020. This paved the way for the establishment of ZEPAI.

June 2021 – Start of recruitment

The goals and milestones of the new centre were to be defined before its official founding. Recruitment of the first ZEPAI employees began in June 2021.

14 September 2021 – Establishment decree from the BMG

The Center for Pandemic Vaccines and Therapeutics at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut was established by decree from the BMG on 14 September 2021.

1 October 2021 – Foundation of ZEPAI at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut

The kick-off event for the new ZEPAI took place on 1 October 2021 at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Professor Isabelle Bekeredjian-Ding, Head of the Division of Microbiology at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, was appointed Acting Director of ZEPAI.

November 2021 – Negotiation of the pandemic preparedness contracts

In the autumn of 2021, examinations, discussions and intensive negotiations regarding the pandemic preparedness contracts began.

March 2022 – Bundeswehr training

In order to begin actively managing the pandemic vaccine supply for the German population starting in May 2022 as planned, the German Armed Forces (Bundeswehr) began providing training to the ZEPAI team in March 2022. The Bundeswehr was still in charge of the task at the time.

30 March 2022 – Rules of Procedure for ZEPAI

At the end of March 2022, ZEPAI's Rules of Procedure entered into force. This regulates the principles of the organisation of ZEPAI and ensures a systematic workflow.

April 2022 – Foundation of the Control Tower

In April 2022, the Control Tower was launched as a pillar of vaccine distribution. Its functions include controlling vaccine supply, coordinating weekly scheduling, and inventory management. In addition, the Control Tower offers a telephone information service for pharmaceutical and logistical partners.

May 2022 – "HERA Advisory Board Forum" meeting

In September 2021, the European Commission presented a new EU authority for crisis preparedness and response to health emergencies, HERA (Health Emergency Preparedness and Response Authority). The "HERA Advisory Board Forum" meeting took place for the first time in May 2022 with ZEPAI participation.

1 May 2022 – Takeover of active control of vaccine supply

At the beginning of May, the ZEPAI fully took over the task of actively managing the population's pandemic vaccine supply in Germany. This task was previously under the purview of the Bundeswehr.

3 May 2022 – Signing of pandemic preparedness contracts

On 3 May 2022, the pandemic preparedness contracts were signed with five companies based in Germany. In the event of a pandemic, the pandemic preparedness contracts ensure a fast and sufficient supply of vaccines for residents of Germany.

16 May 2022 – Visit from Major General Carsten Breuer

On 16 May 2022, ZEPAI received a visit from Major General Carsten Breuer, former head of the federal government's coronavirus crisis team, for an exchange of knowledge and experience.

June 2022 – Takeover of distribution for monkey pox

In June 2022, ZEPAI took over the distribution of the monkey pox vaccine Jynneos in Germany.

June to September 2022 – Kick-off events with pharmaceutical companies

Following the signing of the pandemic preparedness contracts in May 2022, kick-off meetings with the participating companies took place from June to September 2022.

September 2022 – Digitalisation of the vaccine distribution process

Implementation of a digital system for controlling vaccine distribution at ZEPAI began in September 2022. The distribution of vaccines is made efficient, targeted and sustainable through the use of digital data acquisition and monitoring structures. The second phase of this project began on 1 December 2022.

September/October 2022 – Distribution of Omicron variant vaccines

ZEPAI coordinated the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccines adapted to the Omicron variants – BA.1 and BA.4/BA.5 – in the Federal Republic of Germany.

21 December 2022 – Agile mindset training courses completed

In order to handle the diverse tasks given to ZEPAI, an agile organisation method was chosen for ZEPAI. An active training of all ZEPAI employees on the agile mindset took place on 21 December 2022. ZEPAI embodies the agile mindset.

Updated: 23.01.2023