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Paul-Ehrlich-Institut Calls Again upon Doctors and Pharmacists to Order Flu Vaccines

Influenza is a serious illness. Influenza vaccination provides effective protection against the flu. This makes demand-oriented planning even more important: the quantities ordered are the basis for the scale of influenza vaccine production, which takes several months. The vaccine ordering process for the next flu season must therefore be completed in March. At present, the number of pre-ordered doses of vaccine still deviates significantly from the identified need for the 2023/2024 flu season. In the worst-case scenario, this could lead to restrictions in vaccine availability. This applies to standard dose vaccines and, in particular, high dose vaccines. Therefore, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut reminds all doctors and pharmacists to submit their orders promptly before 31 March 2023.

Vaccine Syringes (Source: SydneyNSW/

Anyone in Germany who wishes to be vaccinated should be given the opportunity to do so. Since the production of influenza vaccines is a complex process lasting several months, the supply of influenza vaccines to the population can only be ensured if sufficient vaccines are pre-ordered in a timely manner.

The vaccination recommendations of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (STIKO) serve as a guide for pre-ordering the corresponding vaccines. The Committee has made individual recommendations based on patient age and risk of vaccination. The Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, G-BA), which determines the details of the obligations of statutory health insurance providers in the Preventive Vaccination Directive (Schutzimpfungs-Richtlinie), has reaffirmed the STIKO recommendations. As recommended in the 2021/2022 and 2022/2023 influenza seasons, persons aged 60 and over should again receive a high dose flu vaccine in the 2023/2024 influenza season.

This is the typical production timeline: after completion of orders at the end of March (at the latest), the vaccines are produced over a period of about four to five months and the master adjustment is submitted for approval. Vaccine batches can be delivered beginning around mid-August after batch testing and batch approval by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Due to the lengthy manufacturing process, re-orders cannot be taken into account. Given international demand, there are also no additional quotas available for those who attempt to order belatedly.

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut therefore asks you to order promptly before 31 March 2023, according to your planned needs, in order to ensure the supply of influenza vaccine in Germany for the 2023/2024 influenza season.

Updated: 23.03.2023