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Biological Medicines Expert from the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut Elected to the Committee for Medicinal Products for Human Use (CHMP) at the EMA

At the November meeting of the Committee for Human Medicinal Products (CHMP) at the European Medicines Agency (EMA), Dr Jan Müller-Berghaus, expert on biological medicines at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, was unanimously re-elected by the CHMP members as a CHMP co-opted member for another three-year period. The new co-opted period ends on 13 November, 2026.

Dr Jan Müller-Berghaus (Source: T. Jansen/Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)

Müller-Berghaus was elected a co-opted member in the area of "Quality, safety and efficacy of biological medicinal products with specific emphasis on vaccines, advanced therapies and biosimilars". The renewed co-opted period also represents a recognition of the contributions from all of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut's experts to the CHMP's diverse activities. The CHMP carries out in-depth evaluations of the scientific data in marketing authorisation applications as part of the centralised marketing authorisation procedure and, when merited, recommends the EU-wide authorisation of new medicinal products to the European Commission. The authorisation is then valid for the entire European Economic Area (EEA).

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has been a national and international leader in the field of biological and biomedical medicinal products for more than a decade. When it comes to both vaccines and biological therapeutics, the Institute's targeted focus and combination of research and regulation ensure the safety and efficacy of the complex biologics group for vaccinees and patients. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut concurrently provides consistent support to the development of new medicinal products throughout the entire development cycle. The Institute also approves the batch release of blood products, allergens, sera and vaccines nationally and as an official European control laboratory after conducting its own, potentially experimental, batch testing.

Updated: 16.11.2023