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Promoting Scientific Exchange – Supporting Young Scientists at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut

A scientist's work is not focused solely on their own research, but also on exchanging ideas with fellow scientists. Since 2006, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has encouraged such connections by organising an internal research retreat. The goal is to promote scientific exchange and to support the Institute's young scientists. The PEI retreat took place in December 2023 for the first time in three years due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Participants of a conference (Source: Matej Kostelic/

Like the previous PEI retreats the three-day program focused on lectures, discussions and method workshops on all aspects of biomedical research. Doctoral students, post-doctoral researchers, and heads of research projects presented their current work and research results and discussed them with the participants. The lecture sessions covered all research areas represented at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut: virology, host-pathogen interactions, immunology, allergology, microbiology, veterinary medicine, gene and cell therapy, and the safety of biomedicines.

Highlights: Keynote Speakers, Lecture and Poster Prizes

Among the program highlights were the presentations by the two keynote speakers. Prof Dr Els Verhoeyen, Research Director at the National Institute of Health and Medical Research (Institut national de la santé et de la recherche médicale, Inserm), spoke about the next generation of lentiviral vectors and virus-like particles. The lecture by Prof Dr Mark Post, Professor of Sustainable Industrial Tissue Engineering at Maastricht University, dealt with lab-grown meat and leather.

Another highlight was the awarding of the lecture and poster prizes.

The following doctoral students received awards for their excellent presentations:

  1. Jessica Herzig, Research Immunology Section, for presenting her work on the activation of dendritic cells with plasma-derived medicinal products
  2. Moritz Jaedtka, Research Immunology Section, for his presentation on the transmission of Leishmania between host cells of the primary immune system
  3. Mona Lange, Product Testing Immunological Veterinary Products Section, for her presentation on improved experimental COVID-19 vaccines

The winners of the poster prizes all earned the same number of points, resulting in a three-way tie for first place:

  • Patricia Gogesch, Research Immunology Section, for her poster on improved analysis of the mechanisms behind serious adverse events
  • Aileen Ebenig, Product Testing Immunological Veterinary Medicinal Products Section, for her presentation of the protective mechanisms in the immune systems of immunised mice to fight against MERS infection
  • Nicolás Sandoval Villegas, Research Centre ATMP/Haematology, for his poster on controlling Sleeping Beauty transposase activity

The scientific conference gave the young scientists at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut the chance to gain useful insights into their colleagues' research areas and gather valuable input regarding their own research projects. Social activities completed the scientific retreat program.

Updated: 22.02.2024