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Flu Vaccine Orders Should be Submitted by Doctors and Pharmacists Immediately

Influenza is a serious illness against which the flu vaccine provides effective protection. As production is planned based on demand and flu vaccines take several months to produce, it is crucial that vaccine orders are completed by the end of March this year. The number of vaccine doses that have been pre-ordered so far deviate significantly from estimated demand, which could potentially lead to restrictions on vaccine availability. This is the case for both standard and, in particular, high-dose vaccines. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut therefore reminds all doctors and pharmacists to place their orders before 31 March, 2024, in order to ensure an adequate supply of flu vaccines for the coming season.

Vaccine syringes (Source: WINDCOLORS/Shutterstock)

It is important that every person in Germany who wants to get vaccinated is given the opportunity to do so. Due to the complex and lengthy flu vaccine manufacturing process, a sufficient supply for the population can only be guaranteed if enough vaccines are pre-ordered in a timely manner.

The vaccination recommendations of the Standing Committee on Vaccination (Ständige Impfkommission, STIKO) help provide guidance for pre-ordering flu vaccines. The age and individual risks for persons receiving a vaccine are included in the STIKO recommendations. These recommendations have been reaffirmed by the Federal Joint Committee (Gemeinsamer Bundesausschuss, G-BA), which lays out the details of the reimbursement obligations of statutory health insurance providers (Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung, GKV) in the Preventive Vaccination Directive. According to the recommendations, people over the age of 60 should again receive a flu shot with a high-dose vaccine during the 2024/2025 flu season.

The production timeline works as follows: after orders are completed by the end of March, vaccine production begins. The process takes about four to five months, and then the master adjustment is submitted for approval. After successful batch testing and approval by the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, the gradual delivery of vaccine batches begins in mid-August. Reorders cannot be accommodated due to the lengthy manufacturing process. It should be noted that no additional quotas will be available for latecomers due to global demand.

The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut therefore asks you to place your orders according to your expected needs by 31 March, 2024, at the latest in order to ensure a secure supply of flu vaccines in Germany for the 2024/2025 influenza season.

Updated: 18.03.2024