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Girls‘ and Boys‘ Day – Twelve Young People Get to Know the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut

Girls' and Boys' Day – the nationwide career guidance action day – took place this year on 25 April 2024. Six girls and six boys aged 11 to 15 learned about the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut's multifaceted occupational fields in the laboratory, in technical workshops, in the animal facilities and in the information technology (IT) unit. This work experience day is intended to support young people in whichever career they choose, regardless of common gender stereotypes.

Girls' and Boys' Day 2024 participants and organisers Brigitte Morgenroth (Equal Opportunities Officer), Tabea Schmidtke (Traineeship Coordinator), Katja Zimmer (Human Resources) Girls' and Boys' Day 2024 participants and organisers Brigitte Morgenroth (Equal Opportunities Officer), Tabea Schmidtke (Traineeship Coordinator), Katja Zimmer (Human Resources) Source: Paul-Ehrlich-Institut

Instead of going to school, a total of twelve students went to the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, on Girls' and Boys' Day. In the museum, the young people got to know more about Paul Ehrlich and the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. Employees from the virology and allergy divisions gave insights into the work carried out in the batch testing laboratories. In the precision engineering and electronics workshops, the girls and boys also got a chance to lend a hand in disassembling a computer in the IT unit. They got to know many Institute employees and learn about their diverse tasks. The young people were also able to ask questions about the various divisions and professional fields. A visit to the animal facilities rounded off the eventful day.

"We are pleased about the high level of interest from young people and are happy to take the time to introduce them to the diverse professional fields at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut," said Professor Stefan Vieths, Acting President of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. "Their visit allows us pique the interest of future specialists in our work at an early stage."

Exciting Jobs and Traineeships

As the Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicines, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut researches, evaluates, and authorises human biomedicines and immunological veterinary medicines. It is responsible for approving clinical trials and recording and evaluating possible side effects. Federal batch testing, scientific advice and inspections are among the other tasks of the Institute. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut stands for the regulation and support of innovations in modern biomedicine.

In addition to exciting jobs in the medical and scientific fields, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut also offers various traineeships:

  • Biology laboratory technician
  • Animal care staff for research and clinical environments
  • IT specialist for system integration
  • Office management assistant
  • Electronics technician for industrial engineering
  • Warehouse logistics specialist
  • Facility technician in the field of sanitary, heating, and air conditioning technology

Girls' and Boys' Day – A 20-Year History

For the last two decades, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut has supported the goal of this career prospect day for young people, which is to break down gender-specific stereotypes in career choices. Girls' and Boys' Day has been held at the Institute since 2014. The first Girls' Day at the Institute took place in 2004.

Updated: 25.04.2024