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Head of the Paul Ehrlich Institut has been elected chairman of an important European Body

1 / 2001

Ever since early 2001, new and demanding tasks have been assigned to Prof. Johannes Löwer, Head of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut in Langen. Johannes Löwer was unanimously elected new chairmen of The Scientific Committee for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (SCMPMD) by the members of the Committee at their meeting on Monday, 4th December 2000 now for a second assignment period. In holding this position, he is also member of the Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) of the Head Office of Health and Consumer Protection of the European Commission. Within the SSC he is represented in the TSE/BSE ad hoc working group together with three other members. "I experience my new office as the confirmation of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut's work in the field of drug safety at a European standard", Johannes Löwer commented his election. Particularly the current developments in mad cow disease BSE have clearly revealed the importance of a continuous co-operation at an European level. "Unfortunately, concerning BSE there are more open questions than answers event today. Therefore, it is all the more important that all Member States' experts permanently and closely exchange their experiences to rule out the health hazards to humans and animals caused by this disease as much as ever possible", Löwer stated.

For many years Johannes Löwer has been concerned with BSE and the corresponding disease in humans, the Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease (CJD). Among other things, his research group at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut investigates the question of whether the variant of this disease (vCJD) may be transmitted by blood. Nowadays the experts agree that this variant of CJD is very likely to have been caused by the consumption of food, which was contaminated by BSE infected cow material. For the blood donation services it is of instrumental importance to answer the question of whether a vCJD infection by blood transfusion or also by products made from blood plasma, is possible.

In an overview article Prof. Löwer discusses the question as to whether Creutzfeldt-Jakob-Disease is transmitted by blood and other tissues. This article has been published on the homepage of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.

Background information

The Scientific Committee for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (SCMPMD):

A total of 36 head offices support the work of the European Commission. One of them is the head office "Health and Consumer Protection". Nine committees (eight scientific committees and the Steering Committee, SSC) act in advisory capacity for this head office, compiling high-quality scientific reports. The Scientific Committee for Medicinal Products and Medical Devices (SCMPMD) is concerned with scientific and technical questions in the field of human and veterinary medicines and medical devices. The scientific committees may also draw the European Commission's attention to special or newly emerging problems of their area of responsibility. Thus, the work of the committees directly influences political decisions made in the European Union.

The Scientific Steering Committee of the European Commission (SSC):

In 1997, the European Commission decided to establish a Scientific Steering Committee (SSC) in the field of Health and Consumer Protection. Among other things, this steering committee co-ordinates the work of the eight scientific committees within the head office. At the request of the Commission, the committee compiles scientific reports on questions related to the consumers' health. The Scientific Steering Committee is heard in particular if interdisciplinary questions arise, which cannot be covered by one of the eight scientific committees.

The SSC works out important statements on current major topic, which is the field of transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSE). The Scientific Steering Committee is also free to point out special and newly emerging problems to the European Commission.

Further information on the head offices and the work of the committees is available online at:

  • Head offices - Europäische Kommission > Generaldirektionen und Dienste
  • SCMPMD - Scientific Committee on Medicinal Products and Medical Devices
  • SSC- Scientific Steering Committee (former MDSC)
  • Eur-Lex - Portal of European Union law

(Complete list of the members of the eight committees; see page 5: SCMPMD)



Public Relations

Dr. Susanne Stöcker, Dörte Ruhaltinger

Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 51-59

63225 Langen


Phone: +49 6103 77 1030

Fax: +49 6103 77 1262


Updated: 20.04.2001