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The new Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) website

10 / 2005

On Friday, 9 December 2005, the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut launched its new website at the usual address with a completely new design. “With its clearly structured pages and optimised navigation, which are embedded in a modern layout, we are now providing new information which is targeted at specific groups” explains Professor Löwer, President of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut. “We have updated the internet content, made the site barrier-free, and set up the pages in German and in English”, he adds.

Over the past few years, there has been a steady increase in demand for information on the internet from the PEI. The number of page impressions has quadrupled since 2000 and has now reached about 4 million per year. However, experience has shown that many users have had problems in finding the information they need. The new structure and optimised navigation will now make it easier for even more people to find detailed information on the work of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut.

Transparency and quality control have a high priority. We have therefore developed quality criteria which are published on our website. A newly established editorial board consisting of qualified experts in their own fields is responsible for the scientific content of the site. The editorial board ensures compliance with the quality criteria. The aim of this is to further enhance the reliability of our internet content.

“The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut’s new website provides patients, healthcare professionals and experts with information that is easy to access. This is a further step on the road to raising the profile of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut at the European level as a competent authority in the marketing authorisation of biological medicinal products and related research” says Ulla Schmidt, the Federal Minister of Health, of whose ministry the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut is an executive agency.

What are the most important changes to the website? At a mouse-click patients and consumers can find, for example, what vaccines have a marketing authorisation in Germany or where they can find information on clinical trials. Physicians and pharmacists can gain rapid, direct access to specific information on particular medicinal products or essential reporting forms. For product groups (such as immunoglobulins) and responsibilities (such as vaccinations and gene therapy), there are dedicated areas that can be accessed direct. Veterinary specialists, too, have their own area where they can find essential information. Manufacturers of pharmaceuticals and applicants for marketing authorisation represent another target group. They can obtain clear, comprehensive information on marketing authorisation for biologicial medicinal products. Of course, the PEI website also has a dedicated section for journalists.

With its research areas including gene therapy, prion biology, retrovirology, allergology, and the safety of blood and blood products, the PEI is well-known internationally as an institute of research. The PEI has therefore updated and expanded its web pages on research. Much of this information is available only in English. The English-language pages also contain detailed information on the research groups and their research areas, as well as the complete research programme of the PEI. There is also a list of staff members working in the research groups of the PEI and a summary of research funding in the German section of the website.

The new website currently comprises 2,000 pages and is constantly being updated. One of the sections we are planning is a section for answers to frequently asked questions. The new PEI website also contains various newsletters and a contact form.


Public Relations
Dr. Susanne Stöcker, Dörte Ruhaltinger
Paul-Ehrlich-Straße 51-59
63225 Langen
Phone: +49 6103 77 1030
Fax: +49 6103 77 1262

Updated: 13.12.2005