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Procedures and Timelines

Submission of Clinical Trial Applications

The conduct of a clinical trial in the European Union (EU) is subject to approval pursuant to the Clinical Trials Regulation (EU) No. 536/2014. The regulation divides the approval procedure for clinical trials into the following sections:

  • Application submission
    The sponsor submits the application for approval of the clinical trial in the common European Clinical Trials Information System (CTIS) portal.
  • Validation
    The Reference Member States (RMS) named in the application examine the application for completeness and validity. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) carries out this task for vaccines and biomedicines.
  • Assessment
    The higher federal authority and the respective ethics committee evaluate the application and issue an opinion. If the documents submitted are insufficient or errors are identified, these issues will be communicated to the sponsor (Request for Information, RFI). The sponsor then has the opportunity to fix the errors.
  • Decision on approval
    The higher federal authority decides with the other participating Member States on the clinical trial approval.

Approval Process and Processing Times

Initial application for approval of a clinical trial pursuant to Regulation EU 536/2014 (Source: Paul-Ehrlich-Institut)

Shorter Processing Times for Mono-National Clinical Trials

Mono-national clinical trials will be assessed within 26 days of successful validation. (Multinational clinical trials will be assessed within 45 days.)

If the application has no errors, a decision can be made within 31 days of validation.

The Association of Medical Ethics Committees (Arbeitskreis Medizinischer Ethik-Kommissionen, AKEK) has approved the shorter processing times for mono-national clinical trials.

The ethics committees and the two federal authorities PEI and BfArM also guarantee shortened deadlines for the processing of mononational substantial modifications: This means that after successful validation, a defect-free application will be decided after 24 days at the latest.

Updated: 25.06.2024