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Clinical Trials Register

he European Medicines Agency (EMA) has started publishing information on clinical trials performed in Europe. As soon as the uploads are finalised, this European Clinical Trials Register will include all clinical trials with an authorisation by the Competent Authority, such as the Paul-Ehrlich Institut, and by the responsible Ethics Committee. All clinical trials for medicinal products conducted in adults (phases II-IV) and in children and adolescents (phases I-IV) will be published. At the moment public access is given to information on

  • the design of each clinical trial,
  • the sponsor,
  • the investigational medicinal products,
  • therapeutic areas involved,
  • its status (i.e. authorised, ongoing, completed).

Users will be able to search all data available using free text search and filters for member state, age group and gender of trial subjects and phase of trial.
The European Clinical Trials Register includes clinical trials which have been approved in Germany after 8 August 2004.

The European Clinical Trials Register includes the results of clinical trials. It doesn't include information on non-interventional clinical trials; studies with medical devices or surgical/psychotherapeutic procedures. The European Clinical Trials Register is in English.

The European Medicines Agency has published detailed Q&A documents on the European Clinical Trials Register including information on the participation in clinical trials, on how to contact the sponsor of a clinical trial, and additional information on the clinical trial or on data on clinical trials which appear to be incomplete.

Updated: 13.02.2020