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Nicht-interventionelle Studie (Anwendungsbeobachtung) NIS-Nr.: 71

Studiencode: CACZ885D2401

Allgemeine Angaben

Institution: Novartis Pharma GmbH Auftraggeber: Novartis Pharma GmbH
Titel der NIS: β-Confident Clinical Outcomes and Safety: A Registry Study of Ilaris® (canakinumab) Patients An open-label, long-term, prospective, observational study to monitor the safety and effectiveness of Ilaris in CAPS patients
Ziel der NIS:

Primary objective
The primary objective of the β-CONFIDENT Registry is to monitor and further explore the
overall safety of Ilaris® in patients with CAPS focusing on serious infections, malignancies,
hypersensitivity reactions, vertigo and other selected events.
3.2 Secondary objectives
The secondary objectives of the β-CONFIDENT Registry are to:
• Describe the long-term impact of Ilaris® on disease progression (including systemic AA
amyloidosis as evidenced by renal function, neurologic and ophthalmologic symptoms,
and sensorineural deafness);
• Explore growth and development patterns in children aged ≥2 or ≥4 (depending on local
label) to ≤17 years of age exposed to Ilaris®;
• Identify previously unrecognized serious adverse drug reactions in the treated population;
• Describe the usage and patterns of dosing of Ilaris® in routine clinical practice.

Ort der Durchführung: multinational NIS angefordert: nein
Patientenanzahl insgesamt: 270 Anzahl Ärzte insgesamt: 80
Patientenanzahl in Deutschland: 80 Ärzte in Deutschland: 10

Weitere Angaben und Unterlagen

Anzeige am: 18.11.2009 Geplanter Beginn: 16.11.2009 Geplantes Ende: 17.02.2016
Angezeigtes Ende der NIS am: 17.02.2016

Angaben zu den beobachteten Arzneimitteln, soweit angezeigt

Arzneimittelbezeichnung INN Zulassungs-Nr. ATC-Code Substanzklasse
Ilaris Canakinumab L04AC08 L04AC08

Verfügbare Dokumente

Art des Dokuments
Beobachtungsplan, NIS 71 pdf
Abschlussbericht, NIS 71 pdf