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Nicht-interventionelle Studie (Anwendungsbeobachtung) NIS-Nr.: 556

Studiencode: CRTH258ADE02

Allgemeine Angaben

Institution: Novartis Pharma GmbH
Titel der NIS: OBservationaL stUdy to Evaluate fluid reSolution and effectiveness in patients receiving Beovu (brolucizumab) under KeY treatment schemes in neovascular age-related macular degeneration and visual impairment due to diabetic macular edema
Ziel der NIS:

Primary objectives and endpoints:
1. Evaluate fluid resolution after initiation of brolucizumab (AMD module)
Endpoint: Percentage (%) of patients eyes that are absent of SRF and IRF at month 12
This primary study objective will be addressed considering treatment naïve and switch patient eyes included in the study, analyzed as two independent groups (naïve and switch).
2. Evaluate effectiveness (functional, morphological) of brolucizumab under clinic specific treatment schemes in real life (BIRL module)
• Mean change in visual actuity (VA) at month 12 compared to baseline under clinic specific routine treatment schemes
• Morphological CNV-Changes at month 12 compared to baseline under clinic specific routine treatment schemes
This primary study objective will be addressed considering treatment naïve patient eyes, only.

Evaluate effectiveness of brolucizumab by characterizing treatment patterns in DME
patients during first year of brolucizumab treatment
Naïve patients:
Percent of patients maintained on q12w dosing after loading through Week 52 (12 months)
Switch patients:
Change in interval length from last interval before switch (“baseline”) to last interval at end of
follow-up (12 months)

Ort der Durchführung: nur Deutschland NIS angefordert: nein
Patientenanzahl insgesamt: 900 Anzahl Ärzte insgesamt: 55
Patientenanzahl in Deutschland: 900 Ärzte in Deutschland: 55

Weitere Angaben und Unterlagen

Anzeige am: 20.10.2020 Geplanter Beginn: 31.10.2020 Geplantes Ende: 16.10.2023
Angezeigtes Ende der NIS am: nicht vorhanden

Angaben zu den beobachteten Arzneimitteln, soweit angezeigt

Arzneimittelbezeichnung INN Zulassungs-Nr. ATC-Code Substanzklasse
Beovu Brolucizumab EU/1/19/1417/001-002 S01LA06 Brolucizumab

Verfügbare Dokumente

Art des Dokuments
Beobachtungsplan, NIS 556 pdf