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Nicht-interventionelle Studie (Anwendungsbeobachtung) NIS-Nr.: 638

Allgemeine Angaben

Institution: RTI Health Solutions Auftraggeber: Johnson&Johnson-Belguim
Titel der NIS: Utility Estimation in Patients With a Recent Diagnosis of COVID-19
Ziel der NIS:

The primary objective of this study is to estimate the relationship between COVID-19 and HSU values to enable cost-utility analyses to be performed when health outcomes are assessed only using clinical endpoints and/or the SIC and/or supplemental direct HSU value data with predicted HSU values via SIC assessments collected at additional timepoints.
Utility analysis will be used to estimate HSU values for COVID-19 health states defined by symptom severity. A mapping algorithm will be developed that will to enable the prediction of HSU values from detailed responses to the SIC in combination with other clinical and patient characteristics. Productivity, symptom severity, and change in COVID-19 symptoms will be assessed via self-reported PRO measure to further characterize the study sample.

Ort der Durchführung: multinational
Patientenanzahl insgesamt: 500 Anzahl Ärzte insgesamt: 0
Patientenanzahl in Deutschland: 100 Ärzte in Deutschland: 0

Weitere Angaben und Unterlagen

Anzeige am: 08.12.2021 Geplanter Beginn: 01.04.2021 Geplantes Ende: 31.12.2022
Angezeigtes Ende der NIS am: nicht vorhanden

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Beobachtungsplan, NIS 638 pdf