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Nicht-interventionelle Studie (Anwendungsbeobachtung) NIS-Nr.: 754

Allgemeine Angaben

Institution: GlaxoSmithKline, LLC Auftraggeber: Analysis Group, Inc
Titel der NIS: Clinical Remission Upon Mepolizumab (Nucala) Initiation among Severe Asthma Patients in Europe: A Retrospective Chart Review Study
Ziel der NIS:

The study aims to assess the outcome of clinical remission and its components among adult patients with severe asthma who initiated mepolizumab between 30 June 2017 and 30 June 2022 in the real-world setting, across three European Union (EU) countries (i.e., France, Germany, and Italy). Findings from this study will present valuable information on the effectiveness of mepolizumab in reducing asthma exacerbations and oral corticosteroids (OCS) use, optimizing/stabilizing lung function, and improving asthma control scores. In addition, the study will provide additional evidence to support and facilitate the use of clinical remission of asthma as the treatment goal for asthma management in real-world clinical settings.

Ort der Durchführung: multinational
Patientenanzahl insgesamt: 300-400 Anzahl Ärzte insgesamt: 150-200
Patientenanzahl in Deutschland: ~100-133 Ärzte in Deutschland: ~50~66

Weitere Angaben und Unterlagen

Anzeige am: 04.01.2024 Geplanter Beginn: 20.12.2023 Geplantes Ende: 20.12.2024

Angaben zu den beobachteten Arzneimitteln, soweit angezeigt

Arzneimittelbezeichnung INN Zulassungs-Nr. ATC-Code Substanzklasse
Nucala Mepolizumab EU/1/15/1043/003, EU/1/15/1043/004, EU/1/15/1043/007, EU/1/15/1043/005, EU/1/15/1043/006, EU/1/15/1043/008, EU/1/15/1043/009, EU/1/15/1043/010 R03DX09 Severe eosinophilic asthma

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Beobachtungsplan, NIS 754 pdf