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The Basic Law Turns 75: The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut at the Democracy Festival


24.05.2024 02:00 PM


24.05.2024 07:30 PM


The Federal Ministry of Health Pavilion, Stand No. 3, Paul-Löbe-Allee, Berlin


The Federal Government

The Basic Law – the foundation of our democracy and our coexistence – is celebrating its 75th birthday. The Federal Government has taken this opportunity to invite all citizens to a Democracy Festival held in the area around the Chancellery and the German Bundestag. The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut (PEI) will be represented on-site at the booth of the Federal Ministry of Health (BMG).

Visitors can learn interesting facts about the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut's tasks and obtain information about biomedicines and vaccine supply shortage management. Stop by and test your knowledge of the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut through activities such as an online quiz and learn which medicinal products are part of the biomedicines category with our information cards. Children are also welcome and can win a puzzle with a bit of skill. Their challenge is to correctly assemble printed building blocks together so that a picture emerges. Dörte Ruhaltinger from the Media and Public Relations Unit at the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut will present the Paul-Ehrlich-Institut in a short lecture at 3 PM: "The Paul-Ehrlich-Institut – What are its tasks and which medicinal products is it responsible for?"